In several countries, the demand for new structures is still strong and will continue to rise, resulting in increased demand for ready-mix concrete. However, in many situations, the concrete mixing plant’s existing output capacity cannot be increased. Failures and interruptions in production are often caused by obsolete control systems. The construction of a modern, more effective concrete mixing plant is the solution to all current problems.

Filmix New Batching Plant in General Santos City

Filmix Concrete Industries Incorporated‘s main branch in General Santos City is at its final stages of testing. Full operation of the new concrete batching plant is expected at the end of the month. Check out some on-site photos below.

Building a Concrete Batch Plant

Here are some conditions to consider when building a new batching plant:

What do i first consider when building a concrete batching plant?

A concrete mixing facility, or any portion of it, can be adapted to meet future consumer demand as well as the site’s requirements.

However, other factors, such as aggregate stockpiles, concrete recycling facilities, and additional equipment, must be considered in addition to the plant itself.

A small concrete mixing plant needs at least 2,500 m2 of space, while a larger concrete mixing plant may need 4 or 5,000 m2 or even more.

How can i determine the size of the batch plant to construct?

A plant’s size is determined by the necessary hourly production, the number of bins and silos, and the total storage capacity for binding agents and aggregates.

Furthermore, the size of the land and the terms of the building permit will decide the type of concrete mixing plant you are permitted to construct.

How do i choose the location of the batching plant?

It is important to select a suitable location for a concrete batching plant when building one. Since it has an effect on not only construction progress, but also construction quality and cost. The concrete batching plant is normally built in a location that is less expensive and easier to construct in order to save money and time.

The concrete batching plant is normally built in a location with good traffic in order to save money and make construction easier. At the same time, the batching plant’s entry and exit passages should be well-designed.

Automation and staff

Despite the fact that the concrete batching plant employs a fully automated production process operated by a computer, operator supervision is essential. As a result, we just need to hire a few professional concrete plant operators.

Other things to consider

Service must begin at the outset of the project, and the entire process, from preparation to completion, must be completed as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Construction and environmental approvals require all technical details to be submitted on time. Furthermore, the chosen supplier must be able to finance the plant’s operation over its entire life cycle.

Every concrete mixing plant supplier must understand the challenges and demands of concrete production in order to provide the most suitable, cost-effective, and creative solution.